Seminar “Public roads” Sandomierz 10-11.12.2019

Sandomierz is a city in South-Eastern Poland. It is considered a jewel of medieval architecture. It was a location of a first of four workshops “Public roads”, organized by Elamed Group. Town mayors and district administrators were exchanging experience on innovative technologies concerning local roads and sidewalks. The seminars have become an opportunity to familiarize participants with the new possibilities offered by ASPEN.

“After building bike roads and sideways we need to maintain them,” points out Jan Zieliński, board memeber from of Heller Consult. He gave a speech about life-cycle cost optimization of infrastructure. He pointed out it needs informed decision-making. “The ASPEN system uses smartphones to assess pavement evenness and ride comfort. After fixing them to a light device, such as an electric scooter, we can objectively evaluate sideways and bike paths” – continues Zieliński. The next meeting will take place in Ruciane-Nida in February.